by bofa xesjum
six of forty
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knock knock.
who is that?
daggett opens the door..
a messenger from the chairman.
the messenger wears a blue uniform.
blue - the color of the security agency.
the director knows trouble when he sees it.
the messenger steps confidently into the room and speaks.
you are director of the interior department? the messenger asks.
i have that honor, the director replies in a steady voice.
you oversee the activities of a captain john prester? the messenger continues.
yes, he is an agent of this department - and a highly trusted one,.
do you know the whereabouts of this highly trusted personage, if i may ask?
i can easily find out , the director replies, if you let me check my schedule.
yes, please do that, the messenger answers with a sneer, insolently staring down the unhappy director.
the director reaches into his vest pocket, for his phone, but he is stopped by the messenger.
none of your monkey tricks!, the messenger cries. i have a warrant for captain prester’s arrest - and yours!
faithful daggett has placed himself behind the messenger, and produces a silken cord and quickly strangles her with it.
daggett lets the messenger’s body fall , her cap comes off and her long auburn hair flows across the director’s feet.
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