by bofa xesjum
eleven of forty
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james prester believed in the american dream, and all he wanted was a house of his own with a lawn.
he knew that he had to have a wife, and he accepted that as part of the grand bargain.
james had a job which he could not describe to people who did not have the job themselves.
james and a fellow named sid rafferty often sat at the same table in the company cafeteria.
sid lived with his mother and sister in a little house on the edge of town.
sid’s mother wanted sid or the sister, preferably both , to find their own places.
she pestered the sister to get married, and sid, too, but not so much.
sid volunteered to help the sister, whose name was eileen, catch a man.
to make a long story short, james prester and eileen rafferty married.
james seemed happy with the arrangement, eileen maybe not so much.
when not working or sleeping, james puttered around the house.
when not working or sleeping, eileen mostly watched television.
five years after the marraige, john was born.
he looked more like eileen then john.
james did not notice, or care.
john was a quiet child.
the years went by.
is that all?
for now.

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