by bofa xesjum
twelve of forty
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it is a shame that many people lead boring lives, instead of being famous artists or prophets or world leaders.
there are a lot of people like james and eileen prester in the world , almost too many to count.
the first words john prester ever remembered hearing were james’s admonition, you are going to have to support yourself.
john took his parent’s words to heart, and spent long hours wondering what fate held for him.
in third grade, the teacher asked john what he wanted to be when he grew up.
john replied that he did not know but was carefully exploring and considering his options.
the other children found john’s answer highly amusing, and never let him forget it.
he was nicknamed johnny options for the rest of his days in school.
john graduated from high school, knowing exactly what he wanted to be.
he wanted to be a trained deadly assassin, killing bad people.
he wrote a resume on his i-pad and e-mailed it.
to the president of the united states of america,
he never really heard back from the president.
three months later he received a letter.
very short and not saying anything.
with the president’s electronic signature.
you know the rest.
john was disappointed.
not defeated.

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