by bofa xesjum
fourteen of forty
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when the smoke cleared, the manager of the pizza shop fired joe dave rogers, whom he never really liked anyway.
bill grady, the manager, was the brother-in-law of the owners, andy and al fisher, whom hardly anybody ever saw .
the other employees, especially the drivers, mostly sided with joe dave, whom they considered a real good guy.
but mot enough to actually do anything except to ignore john prester even more than they had..
for a while, joe dave would come around to the shop sometimes and buy a slice.
but then he stopped and everybody sort of forgot all about him and the fight.
all the other drivers except john went back to school or found other jobs
the last was janie jones, who gave john a hug when she left.
john continued going to the library and reading about the intelligence services.
which he still continued to dream of joining, somehow, some way.
once in a while, he suddenly thought of janie jones.
and of her hug, which he had never expected.
he guessed some things were hard to explain.
and that had been one of them.
maybe janie was just a hugger.
that must be the answer.
john dreamed about janie.
not every night.
just sometimes.

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