by bofa xesjum
three of forty
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a road.
a dark road.
a dark country road.
are we there yet?
i think this is the place.
come now, you think, or you know?
pull over, mrs hartwright tells collins, the chauffeur
the prince exhales a melancholy sigh, but says nothing.
collins, as instructed, pulls over carefully and stops the car.
a long wooden railing separates the car from an untended field.
am i to do anything? the prince asks petulantly, with another sigh.
collins is quite capable, mrs hartwright assures him, as she lights a cigarette.
collins gets out of the car. there is no light, except for mrs hartwright’s cigarette.
the prince does not hear collins open the trunk, but he does hear a sudden -
thump as john prester’s body hits the ground, and then a grunt as collins lifts it.
i say, do you remember jenny thorndike? mrs hartwright suddenly asks the prince in a casual tone.
i would prefer to forget her, the prince replies. what has she to do with all this racket?
she was always getting into scapes like this. they were all in a day’s - or night’s - work to her.
the prince opens his mouth to reply, but suddenly a pair of yellow headlights appear in the road up ahead…

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