by bofa xesjum
twenty-seven of forty
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so many.
so many people.
all over the earth.
hurtling toward their fate.
hurtling toward their uncertain fate.
a car suddenly hurtles into jordan morris.
the car driven by daggett, exiting the mall.
poor jordan is thrown ten feet onto the highway.
two cars scream to a stop, one in each lane.
at least two witnesses - no escape for daggett and the director.
two more cars stop on the highway - and another exiting the mall .
daggett gets out of his car, and walks over to jordan morris’s body.
a man gets out of the first car that had stopped in the road.
let's move him off the road, daggett tells the man with an air of authority
should we not wait for an ambulance? the man asks bewlderedly, looking around in every direction.
do you want to cause a pileup? daggett replies sharply, i am a medical professional, trust me.
he looks dead anyway, don't you think, the director, who has gotten out of the car, adds tentatively.
remenber, the body of the unfortunate redhaired messenger is still in the trunk of daggett's and the director's car.
the man who stopped first does not answer daggett or the director, but takes his phone out of his pocket.

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