by bofa xesjum
thirteen of forty
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thwarted in his attempt to become an assassin, john got a job delivering pizza and other types of fast food.
he delivered mostly to the suburbs and to small towns so the job was not was not particularly dangerous .
how john wished it was more dangerous, so that it would give him a needed feeling of self-worth!
he saved his money to take classes in martial arts and to buy weapons to practice with.
everybody in the modern world is a dreamer and wants to be more than they are.
john did not hang out after work with the other employees at the pizza shop.
the other employees did not like him much and did not like his attitude,
a fellow named joe dave rogers took a particular dislike to poor john.
one night john got lost delivering a pizza with anchovies to westwood.
it took him forty-five minutes to get back to the store.
joe dave rogers saw fit to give john the business.
john ignored him, but joe dave kept on going.
you think you are something, don’t you, preston?
maybe this will teach you some humility.
janie jones, another driver, butted in.
it started to get ugly.
don’t you get involved.
you don’t approve?
too bad.

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