by bofa xesjum
five of forty
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not yet.
i’m sorry, sir.
don’t you be sorry.
agent john prester was late.
the director was starting to worry.
what, he thought, could have gone wrong?
outside in the distance a mountain lion howled.
prester was his most valuable and most trusted agent.
he had seen and done things too terrible to describe.
and now he had mysteriously vanished - into the darkness of oblivion.
prester had a lot on his plate - had it suddenly become too much?
and then, he had mysteriously asked the director for a few days’ leave.
i had a feeling something was wrong, the director told himself , shaking his head.
daggett, the director’s trusted right hand man, looked out the window into the foggy night.
prester’s probably just held up in this everlasting blasted fog, he remarked confidently over his shoulder.
prester had never let a little thing like war or revolution - let alone fog - stop him before.
daggett had no reply, and kept looking stolidly out the window, when suddenly the phone shattered the silence.
who can that be? the director muttered, only three people know this number and two of them are dead.
daggett turned from the window to answer the phone on the director’s desk, when there was a knock on the door.

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