Monday, February 26, 2024

the empty road - 26. the bum

by bofa xesjum

part twenty-six of forty

for previous chapter, click here

to begin at the beginning, click here

one foot.

then another foot.

along the endless highway.

no highway patrol - so far.

maybe, maybe his luck will hold.

the mall is just around the bend.

the man’s name is - or was - jordan morris

a respectable sounding name, but do not be fooled.

for jordan morris is not, and never has been, respectable.

nor does he have any very particularly interesting story to tell.

or anybody to tell it to, even if he had had one.

that is nothing to be ashamed of - not having a story to tell.

most people do not have stories to tell - that would interest anybody but themselves.

all jordan morris cares about is making it to the mall, before the highway patrol arrives.

as they always do, because they are the rulers of the universe - of jordan morris's universe.

why can't they just leave a poor man alone, to walk the earth free as a bird?

but here is the mall, at last, and jordan would run the last few steps if he could.

he twisted his knee a few miles back, when he thought he saw the highway patrol coming at him.

like an idiot, he jumped further to the side of the road, even though there was no place to hide.


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