by bofa xesjum
twenty-three of forty
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stay calm.
do not panic.
just stand up slowly.
do not look behind you.
pretend you do not recognize them.
and hope they did not recognize you.
john took a deep breath and stood up.
he did not look at daggett and the director.
he placed one foot in front of the other foot.
daggett kept watching john as john headed to the front door.
the director realized daggett was watching john, sighed inwardly but said nothing.
john opened the door and stepped outside on to the black parking lot.
the hot air hit him in the face like the breath of life itself.
he walked as quickly as he could without running to where delilah was welcomingly parked.
if he had turned around he would have seen daggett watching from behind the glass door.
i should have turned delilah around for a quick exit, john thought as he opened her door.
daggett continued watching as john now turned delilah around, left the parking lot and hit the westbound highway.
daggett had, of course, committed the vehicle's license plate number to his highly trained and merciless steel trap memory.
let's go, daggett told the director, picking up the cardboard tray with his two black coffees and three egg mcmuffins.

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