by bofa xesjum
twenty-nine of forty
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great guy.
everybody said so.
about officer buddy smith.
he was a great guy.
and would do anything for anybody.
especially other great people, just like himself.
but he was polite and helpful to everybody.
officer buddy had taken note of poor jordan morris.
and had warned jordan about walking along the main highway.
always in a helpful and sincere manner, as was his way.
strangely, jordan was more afraid of buddy than of the other officers.
the other officers who had not nearly so courteous a manner as buddy.
it so happened that buddy was first in the area when the call came ..
about a pedestrian hit outside the entrance to the wellington mall - buddy suspected right away.
poor jordan - buddy had been so sure he was just about to turn his life around.
an ambulance got to the scene of the accident at the same time as buddy’s patrol car.
jordan was alive, but most likely not for long , and the emt's did what they had to do.
the driver of the car looked seriously annoyed, but did not seem at all shaken up by the incident.
at least, though buddy, he was not complaining out loud about damage to his vehicle - maybe that would come later.

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