by bofa xesjum
seventeen of forty
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the morning had been sunny, but it started to rain just as daggett turned the limousine on to highway 66.
the director was in the back seat, and the body of the unfortunate redheaded messenger was in the trunk.
having escaped, for now, the minions of the directory, the director was pondering what new identity to assume.
a wandering minstrel, perhaps, or an old salt shipping out on a tramp steamer.
he discounted becoming an assassin again - the commission would be expecting him to do just that.
and besides, he told himself, he was tired, so tired, of the whole killing game.
a somewhat less violent occupation might, perhaps, be more suitable to his advancing years.
his doctors had been telling him for years to reduce his stress level.
this reverie was interrupted by daggett, as they approached a roadside mall..
it might be a good idea to get something to eat.
i suppose if we must, we must, the director sighed.
you can’t go wrong with mcdonalds, daggett assured him.
you can go in, i will wait here.
you should eat, keep your strength up.
yes, you are right as always.
so what will it be?
get me a sandwich.
and black coffee?
black coffee.

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