by bofa xesjum
fifteen of forty
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andy and al fisher sold the pizza shop, and the new owners decided to convert it to a nail salon.
the nail salon did not employ any drivers, and john prester was out of a job, just like that.
he was entitled to three months unemployment under the state law, but made no effort to collect it.
he decided to become a wandering adventurer, and to fight crime and evil wherever he found it,
he had been saving his hard earned money, to get into some kind of police academy
now he took the money and bought a 1992 ford f-150, to roam the countryside.
john named the 1992 ford f-150 deiilah, and painted it a dark military green..
he hoped it would strike fear into evildoers, all over this great land.
over this once great land, now brought low by corrupt spineless bureaucrats
and by even more corrupt and evil politicians, and the media.
all that was just words - it was time for action.
john eased delilah on to highway 66, heading west.
the night was cool and calm, like john himself.
maybe his heart was pounding, a little.
he quickly got into his groove,
bad guys, here i come!
the night was dark.
it was time.
payback time.

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