by bofa xesjum
twenty of forty
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the director was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, and a profound sense that he was being cheated.
he. grew up in a lot of stately houses, most of them high on hills, others on sandy beaches.
he did not take kindly to discipline or education, and was marked by his elders for diplomatic service.
he evinced talents for treachery and subterfuge, especially against his peers, and flourished in his assigned environment.
despite what others might consider his success and rapid advancement, he was solitary, unsatisfied, and embittered.
his chosen companions were horses, and then his lowest minions, whom he treated like dogs.
he did not like real dogs, or cats, or children, or women - especially women.
he moved steadily down the polished halls of power - with no particular goal.
but he was not immune to fate, and fate suddenly struck him.
in the person of the messenger from the chairman - the chairman!
whom he had never trusted - but who could he trust?
the chairman had always been keen to foil him.
such was life - he had always known that.
it was no less easy to accept.
so far daggett had proven faithful.
the operative words - so far.
they approached the mcdonalds.
suddenly daggett stopped.
and pointed.

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