by bofa xesjum
twenty-five of forty
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turn left.
no, turn right.
back on the road.
i could have done better.
that was no time to panic.
how far will i get like this?
being afraid and running from every passing shadow.
i have to pull myself together starting right now.
john forced himself to look in the rear view mirror.
there was one vehicle behind him - it did not look familiar.
he wished he had not left his sandwich behind - that was dumb.
but there would be other mcdomalds ahead - and other bacon and egg sandwiches.’
and adventures - once he got out on the open road there would be adventures.
suddeenly john saw a man walking along the side of the road coming toward him.
could this be the start of an adventure? he wondered as the man came into focus.
but then he saw the man was just a bum who needed a shave and a haircut.
not at all the kind of person with a story to start john on a great righteous adventure.
then again - it suddenly hit john like a thunderbolt - maybe the apparent bum was exactly the kind of person -
but just as quickly as he had appeared the man was left behind and vanished in the rear view mirror

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