Sunday, February 18, 2024

the empty road - 18. the ant

by bofa xesjum

part eighteen of forty

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to begin at the beginning, click here

the rain stopped and the sun suddenly came out, and john blinked and remembered an incident from many years ago.

he had somehow escaped from james and eileen and was waking down a cracked sidewalk all alone by himself.

a big blade of grass stuck through up one of the cracks - the biggest john had ever seen.

he heard a dog bark somewhere but did not see any dog or any other living creature.

he realized he was all alone in the universe, and was being watched all the time.

that was all very well, but who was watching him, if he was all alone?

then he saw an ant , and everything was back to normal, just like before.

the ant then crawled away to its own destiny, leaving john to his.

john never mentioned his experience to james or eileen or anyone else.

now the sun was in his eyes through the mcdonalds window.

daggett and the director were walking across the parking lot.

the director had his eyes fixed in the ground.

the ever vigilant daggett looked left and right.

suddenly john saw both of them clearly.

just like the blade of grass.

so many years long ago.

in the bright sunlight.

blade of grass.

dog barking.



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