Monday, October 31, 2022

have a care, part 1

by bofa xesjum

very soon all will be revealed
how exceedingly quaint
permit me to introduce myself

young people don’t know how to act these days
that is just too bad, isn’t it?
never say never

young people don’t know how to act these days
what gives you the right to think that?
nobody seemed to care

permit me to introduce myself
so’s your old man
it is cold outside

is it really that cold outside?
excuse me, do i know you?
very soon all will be revealed

what gives you the right to say so?
my old man gave me the right, as he gave me the right to say and do anything i darn well pleased
i remember you now

it was cloudy when i got here
never say never
permit me to interpolate a few well-chosen remarks.

nobody cares what you think
nobody seems to care what anybody thinks about anything
excuse me, who asked for your opinion?

are you the host here?
i was hired by the owner of these premises and he told me i could say whatever i pleased
it never ends, does it?

Thursday, October 13, 2022

a cabal, part 2

by rhoda penmarq

little did they know
after the ball was over
when she caught the servant girl going through her portmanteau

she remained calm, though inwardly coldly raging
i know you are the spawn of spiders
and midnight is almost upon us

i am gratified to have found you so easily
virtually at the stroke at midnight
the king, you know, is inclined to be merciful

but i am not the king, my child
oh, madam, you sadly misunderstand me
in this time of turmoil and madness

involving persons in the highest places
i would never do anything dishonorable
you mistake me for another

the end of the ball was only the beginning
and now that we are alone i can explain
you think it all a joke, do you?

the persons in high places do not understand
now that the ball is over
oh, little do they know!

in the furthest reaches of the empire
there are desperate people even as we speak
who presume on the king’s mercy

but it is no joking matter
and involves not only persons in high places
because little do they know

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

a cabal, part 1

by rhoda penmarq

involving persons in the highest places
just because they are the spawn of traitors
the baroness retired to her room

but little did they know
the king is inclined to be merciful
at that moment she determined

midnight is almost upon us
in the furthest reaches of the empire
beyond the borders of the furthest provinces

at a time of great upheaval
in the furthest reaches of the empire
the baroness carefully closed the door behind her

midnight was almost upon her
just because she was the descendant of heroes
and bitterly resented the upstarts who were endangering the empire

i would not try that if i were you
to seek the enchantress out
disguised as she may be as a servant girl

at that moment she cried out
i would not try that if i were you
no matter how determined you may think you are

this is a time of great upheaval
yet though the king is inclined to be merciful
the ball is over

i too am determined
in this time of unprecedented chaos
and i am retiring to my estate