Thursday, August 25, 2022

all sorts of weather

by bofa xesjum

the orangutan and the zouave

went out in all sorts of weather

to find the flamingo

which had escaped from the carnival

somewhere between erie prennsylvania and abilene kansas

but had enough respect for tradition

not to serve strawberry shortcake to the returning troops

as had been the habit in general custer’s day

before the dawn of the new civilization

which flowered so briefly

after the perusal of the enigmatic message

from the lovely lady who had very strong opinions

but expressed them, happily

in the boldest and briefest manner

Saturday, August 20, 2022


by bofa xesjum

the cobra is early

the hotel is empty

so is the grand stand

the rajah tells a joke

the adept returns with the trash

the blind queen smiles

and notes the king’s distress

mention of money irritates him

but losers always find apples

and the victims sip their wine

the judges open their wallets

and the sentries are out of excuses

nothing under the moon

belongs to the waitress approaching with her tray

Monday, August 15, 2022


by bofa xesjum

take out the trash after a while

but do not expect to be understood

your route will be noted

and your coral will be lost in the deeps

youth is false

and money is left on the porch

while the king cases the joint

and the joker steals the olive out of the martini

only the vapid is truly grand

stirred to irate depths

an exception will be made for the moneyman

at least in the finest hotels

the point i make is folly

i apologize to the audience in advance