Monday, February 7, 2022

mr smith's contest: the amused

by bofa xesjum

mr smth, an eccentric gentleman, offered a prize of indeterminate value for the best entry in the following contest:

write a story or poem of exactly 100 words employing each of the following 25 words once and only once.

algorithm, butterfly, cat, dog, eternity, flower, gorilla, happy, immortal, jolly, king, lollipop, nan, never, orangutan, power, queen, rotation, sad, triumphant, underdog, villain, woman, youth, zero.

here is an example:

the amused

the cat watched the man amuse the orangutan.

eternity was never the villain.

the flower was happy with the algorithm.

the gorilla was sad when he met the immortal.

it all came crashing down when the assassin knocked on the door and the maid, who had been poorly trained by the housekeeper, indiscreetly let him into the front parlor .

the king had chased butterflies in his youth.

the queen and her dog were triumphant.

the twelve apostles would have been shocked.

the villain had a lollipop to the power of zero

the woman sensed the smiling rotation of the underdog.


did you find this story at all interesting or amusing?

a) yes. ___________

b) no ___________

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