by bofa xesjum
thirty-nine of forty
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the creature ran and ran and ran across the plain, chased by another creature about three times bigger than itself..
the creature was fast, and the bigger creature was equally fast, but might tire quicker , the smaller creature hoped.
they ran and ran, kicking up dust, past rocks, and past shrubs that might be good to eat.
but the big creature was not the least bit interested in stopping to eat the tasty shrubs.
the smaller creature had no choice but to hope the bigger one got tired and quit.
suddenly another, even larger creature appeared from behind a large rock - all three creatures froze.
the third creature snarled at the first larger creature, apparently ignoring the small creature.
this is my chance, the small creature thought, and he ran off sideways.
the small creature did not look back , and gave it his all.
he ran and ran until he dropped on to the sand.
because that was all there was - sand and more sand .
where am i, it thought sadly, , as night fell.
it could see nothing to eat in sight.
it had escaped the large hungry creatures.
who might return at any instant.
only to die of hunger?
it was not fair.
and getting cold.
very cold.

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