by bofa xesjum
thirty-one of forty
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here looks like some excitement outside, carlene johnson said, looking out the window of the mcdonalds into the parking lot.
you and your excitement, her daughter marlene replied, there is no excitement outside, so just drink your smoothie, please.
there is always excitement, carlene responded calmly, you have to know where to look for it, that's all.
this is really very nice and cold, said marlene, sipping her strawberry smoothie, you should drink yours .
carlene kept looking out the window, there are two police cars out there now, she said.
they are probably just coming in here for a protein fix, the way they do.
no, they are parked on the highway, it looks like some real excitement now.
marlene sighed mildly and made no reply, and continued to sip her smoothie.
carlene had led an uneventful life, as most people do these days.
she had worked in a small insurance agency and raised marlene.
the apple did not fall very far from the tree.
marlene was content to also lead a quiet life.
she married blll brackett, a barbecue grill salesmsan.
actually, bill called himself a marketing representative.
marlene did not see the difference.
but she never said so.
that was her way.
just her way.
agreeable marlene.

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