by bofa xesjum
thirty-three of forty
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you are a strange girl, john says, telling people you don’t even know to their face that they are liars.
not half as strange as people who come into a store and start spouting ridiculous nonsense like insane creeps.
i am not a creep, i am a dedicated fighter for the forgotten forces of justice and decency.
i see, so is that what you are, why didn’t you just say so to begin with?
the door opens behind john and an ordinary looking man wearing a cowboy hat walks in.
he does not wear a badge, but john thinks he might be a law officer.
can i help you, sir, the girl says to the law officer looking man.
the girl does not act as if she knows the man, john thinks.
john finds himself back behind the wheel of delilah, wondering what happened.
whatever it was, it did go the way he had dreamed.
back on the highway again, he takes a deep breath.
i have to be more careful, much more careful.
that fellow sure was in an awful hurry.
we just didn't have what he wanted.
and what might that have been?
some kind of blueberry pie.
made with special blueberries.
people are strange.
he was.

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