my delicacy, perhaps my vanity
followed kick after kick in quick succession
made clear to all who and what she was
i don't like nosey people
"she should have thought of that before confronting me"
"this conversation is over"
cold indeed must be the hearts
frisking him for the loot
followed kick after kick in quick succession
dying out in this fatal atmosphere
frisking him for the loot
one of the beautiful, the most beautiful things
goaded him into greater brutishness
sprawled across the sidewalk
died out in this fatal atmosphere
o my delicacy, perhaps to my vanity
i don't like nosey people
i am one of the beautiful, the most beautiful things
following kick after kick in quick succession
to my delicacy, perhaps to my vanity
i lost much of my ancient consequence and grandeur
yes, much of my ancient consequence and grandeur
to make clear to all who and what she was
cold indeed must be the hearts
i goaded him into greater brutishness
sprawled across the sidewalk
sprawled helplessly across the sidewalk

sources: the heroic slave, by frederick douglas;
clotel, by william wells brown;
our nig, by harriet e wilson;
ten nights in a bar-room, by t s arthur;
the turn of the screw, by henry james;
the golden bowl, by henry james;
sister carrie, by theodore dreiser;
the wedding, by dorothy west;
kiss tomorrow goodbye, by horace mccoy;
my gun is quick, by mickey spillane;
the big kill, by mickey spillane
part 2